With just under a week before everyone returns to school we would like to share some bits of important information with you.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend and we look forward welcoming everyone back on Thursday 6th September at 8:45am.
PTA Newsletter
Please see the link below to the latest PTA newsletter. The PTA committee and other volunteers work hard to help support the school and help fund some of the 'extras' for your child throughout the school year. We are sure you will agree that they do an amazing job and we look forward to seeing you support them and their events next year in whatever capacity you can.
Newsletter Issue 5 can be found by clicking here.
Change of Date - Welcome Back Meeting
We are having to change the date of the Welcome Back Meeting originally planned for Tuesday 18th September to Wednesday 19th September starting at 5:30pm. We do expect all parents to attend this important meeting to hear the key messages for the year from the Senior Leadership Team and then to have some time with your child's class teacher. We are really grateful to those parents who have attended in the past and hope that they have found this evening is useful. As in previous years, we will ensure there is some child care provision.
In the last newsletter of the school year we clarified the position relating to the colour of socks. For girls, it is white socks (ankle or below the knee) or grey tights and for boys, it is grey socks. The school website uniform page has been updated to reflect this message.
Regarding the rest of the school uniform, we do prefer children to have the school logo on uniform including the yellow PE shirt. For further clarity, the trouser/shorts/skirt/pinafore colour is grey only as per the webpage.
Our supplier, Brigade, provide the clothing and other school items (book bags etc) at a competitive price and the link to their online shop can be found on the uniform page on the school website.
We have not received any complaints from parents regarding the quality of items purchased from Brigade, however please let us know if you are unhappy with any of the items you have purchased as we will speak to the supplier direct.
For those parents who put in an order through school before the deadline in July may collect their order between 1:30pm and 2:30pm on Wednesday 5th September. We would appreciate parents sticking to this time as there are a number of training activities for all staff taking place during this day and we do not want to offend by turning people away.
Battle of Britain Celebrations
We are going to have another wonderful day celebrating the Battle of Britain on Friday 14th September and wanted to give you advance notice that we will be asking children to dress up in clothes from that era. Please see the links below to photographs of past Battle of Britain days we have had to give you an idea of the type of clothing children came in to school wearing reflecting this time.
Notification and the School App
So that you receive the correct messages for your child in the new school year, please remember to change the group within the message section on the School App.
For example, if your child is going into Year 4, click on the message centre bell icon at the top right of the App screen, click on the blue message centre tab at the top of the screen to take you to the list of year groups, deselect Year 3 by clicking on the button on the right hand side of the screen then select Year 4 where the button will then indicated in green.
If your child is in a mixed-year class, please still select the year group your child is in, as any messages related to a class containing two year groups will be issued to both groups.
Please note, the School App is our main method of communication and ask that all parents have access to it to be kept up to date on news and events from school.
New Online Payment System
You will have seen in the newsletter in July that from this term, we will have a new online payment system for payments of dinners, trips, residential trips and school uniform.
A cashless catering system will be introduced and you will need to order your child's meals online. The menu for this coming term can be found by clicking here. Meals for children in KS1 must be ordered but will be free of charge. KS2 meals must be ordered and paid for on the system. We will no longer accept cash or cheque payments.
The system will go live on Tuesday 4th September and we shall send you information via our school app on how to gain access for you to order meals for your child's return to school on Thursday 6 September.