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Monday 15th June


Please have a look at the PowerPoint on translations, there are 3 worksheets on the PowerPoint and if you could print them off and complete the translations. Remember to choose a point to use to move and then use the rest of the points on the edges of a shape in order to help you draw the translated shape correctly. 


Please finish listening to the rest of the Black Powder, the book is now ALL up there and we are moving on to a new book from tomorrow. Whilst you are listening to the rest of the book please complete some handwriting exercises that I have uploaded below. We haven't done a lot of handwriting over the home learning schedule so please remember all of the handwriting rules and focus on neat handwriting. 

If you have done the handwriting, and still need some more things to keep you occupied, whilst listening to Black Powder please look in the Additional Resources folder on the previous page. 


As the timetable states, we would like you to write a letter to your new school asking as many questions that you might have about your new school and then give them as much information about yourselves as you can, this is obviously not what would normally happen and some of your teachers won't get the chance to meet you until September SO this is your chance for them to "meet you". Please note, DO NOT post these on the class blog, please SEND THEM to the HOME LEARNING EMAIL in order for Mrs Fawdry to send them on to your Secondary School. 
