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Griffin - Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 - Our class is called Griffin.
Mrs Clarke is our teacher. Mrs Wales and Mrs Davis are our teaching assistants in the mornings and Mrs Rundle and Mrs Tandy in the afternoons. We have a student teacher, Miss Knight, working with us for most of term 6.
We have PE on Monday's and Thursdays, although it is helpful to have your PE kit in school all week.

English homework will be given out on Mondays, along with the new spelling pattern for the week. The children are asked to find words containing this pattern and return them to school on Tuesday or Wednesday. We will then choose from this homework the words to be learnt for our spelling test.  These words will be sent home on a Wednesday to be learnt ready for a test the following Monday.
Maths homework will be sent home on Wednesdays.

  Our topic for term 1 is TOYS and GAMES. We will be learning about what toys were like in the past, how toys are powered and why some toys need electricity. We will be talking about our favourite toys and why we like them and we will be playing some games children played in the past.
  In Art and Design we will be making and drawing some toys. In English we will be continuing to learn how to write simple sentences using punctuation such as capital letters and full stops. We will be learning how to use WOW words in our writing and how to make it easy for other people to read, by making sure our letters are formed correctly and are all of a similar size.
In maths we will be learning about Venn diagrams and Carrol Diagrams and how to use them.  We will be describing 2D shapes, for example do they have curved or straight sides, adding 1 or 2 more to numbers and making number bonds for numbers 5, 6 and 10.

TERM 2 - Destination Outer Space
This term our topic will be 'Destination Outer Space'.  The children will be learning about Space and our Solar System, They will be taking part in space art and craft activities i.e. making rockets, firework pictures, alien masks, monster pictures etc.. In science we will be learning about everyday materials and their properties. Towards the end of the term the Christmas celebrations will begin, these will include the Christmas story, Christmas art and craft and how Christmas is celebrated in other countries. 
Please see the attached curriculum brochure for further details. 

TERM 3 - Water, Water Everywhere
This term our topic will be 'Water, Water. Everywhere'. In Geography the children will be learning to name and locate the world's seven continents and five oceans using world maps, atlases and globes, we will also be learning about seasonal and daily weather patterns. In Science they will be taking part in experiments involving water, investigating the properties of materials and what they may be used for and identifying which animals live in water and what they eat. We will be thinking about countries and people who have little or no water and how we can conserve water.
Please see attached curriculum brochure for more details

TERM 4 - How to Grow a Beanstalk
This term we will be learning all about plants. How to identify and name different plants, the basic structure of plants and the conditions they need to stay alive. We will be using our green fingers to grow some plants.
 We will be doing some art work on plants, learning how to draw plants and how to mix the colours we need to paint them.
We will also be learning about hot and cold parts of the world and looking for signs of spring. Hopefully the weather will get warmer and we will be able to take more of our learning outside.

Jack and the Beanstalk will be one of the stories we will be using for some of our literacy activities.
Please the curriculum brochure for more details.

TERM 5 - The Great fire of London
We started our topic this term with a fire drill to stimulate discussions about fires. The children will be learning all about The Great Fire of London - where it started, why it spread so quickly, how people tried to put it out, how they tried to escape and save their belongings. We will be comparing how we fight fires these days, with how fires were fought in 1666. We will also be learning how we know about things that happened in the past and will be using our topic to inspire us in other areas of the curriculum. For example, in English, we will be pretending to be reporters writing about the fire and in DT we will be making fire engines. We will be learning songs related to these events - London's burning and Ring a Ring a Roses.
Please see attached plan for more details.

TERM 6 - Animals
We had a wonderful day at Cotswold Wildlife Park at the end of term 5 and saw lots of interesting animals. This has inspired us to learn more! Our topic for term 6 is ANIMALS. The children have started by writing questions on animals that they would like to find the answers to, for example - what are baby bunnies called? Why do giraffes have long necks? What are monkeys with chubby cheeks called? Some children have been bringing in books about animals to help us.
Please see attached plan for more details on each subject.
