I like Maths. I especially like subtraction and column addition. I like doing times table flowers, although the sixes are quite tricky.
Emelia - Year 3
I enjoy doing all the challenges and I really like problem solving as I like solving puzzles.
Callum - Year 3
I like Maths as I like counting to 100 and then counting back down. I like doing column addition too.
Darcie - Year 3
I like addition and division. I like doing Venn diagrams to help me with factors because it makes it easier to understand. I like sharing my answers and finding out different names for addition, subtraction and multiplication.
Jack - Year 5
I like that it is fun and you learn stuff you need to know - like with money, you can calculate the money you need. I also like doing my times table because it helps me with my division and adding. I like using the counters and the dice and Problem Solving Friday because it's interesting and helps you to do different operations.
Lily - Year 5