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Summer 2: What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World!




Welcome to the final term in Year 2.

It is going to be another strange term in lockdown, but we are going to be doing lots of fun activities to help us learn while we are at home.


This term we are going to be focusing on geography and science. We are going to be recapping what we already know about where we live and the United Kingdom. We are then going to develop our knowledge of the world by learning the names of the different continents and the World's oceans. We are also going to find out what features an island has and design our very own desert island! In science we are going to learn more about animals and plants, including their life cycles and what they need to survive. 


We cannot wait to see all the amazing learning you are doing from home, so please remember too upload photos to our Purple Mash blog. Also make sure you check out the story that Mrs Hastings is recording on our Video Resource section.


Stay safe and keep smiling! 

What a Wonderful World.mp4

Still image for this video