I hope that you all had a great Half Term and enjoyed being outside! Our new topic is Shaping Up and again, we will have plenty of challenges along the way....
Update 01/06/20. The final push! You are all doing such a great job learning from home, make sure that you keep up the good work! We are now moving away from 'Invade' to our new topic of 'Shaping Up.' Shaping Up is all to do with our bodies and it is another fantastic Topic that I am sure that you will enjoy too! (The knowledge organiser is available to download and will hopefully help you complete tasks.)
As always, I will try to mix up the activities as much as possible, this week I have included supporting materials for each day - I hope you find this useful. Make sure that you continue to read as much as you possibly can and keep staying safe!
Extra Home Learning Resources
For those of you that want to do a little bit extra, here are a list of useful websites to use:
Grammar and Spelling: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhrrd2p
Human Body Clips: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zcyycdm
Ideas to write: https://www.pobble365.com/
Maths Problems: https://nrich.maths.org/teacher-primary
Literacy Shed https://www.literacyshed.com/home.html