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Harmonious Habitats

This term, Apache have lots of exciting and interesting subjects to study.


Here are some highlights of what we will be learning …


This term in history we will be studying  ‘Significant People’ with a focus on historical enquiry - sources. We will start by exploring primary and secondary sources and then using sources to make inferences. Following this, we will be comparing Mary Anning, our historical figure linked to our topic, with Jack Horner, an American paleontologist most famous for providing the first clear evidence that some dinosaurs cared for their young. We will end the term by exploring if the reliability of different sources found for these significant people and will have a debate using sources to support arguments.


In English this half term we are going to be learning how to write a diary and newspaper entry. Additionally, we will have specific grammar learning, which will include learning about co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions and fronted adverbials. Our English text for this half term will be ‘Interview with a Tiger: and Other Clawed Beasts too’ and Charlotte's Web. We will explore non-fiction texts using the format of leaflets and non-fiction books. Our class text will be ‘The girl who stole an elephant’ by Nizrana Farook.  We will be continuing to improve our writing by using different literary techniques and high-level grammar.


In maths, our first topic of this half term is place value. We will start by representing and partitioning numbers to 1,000 which will help to consolidate understanding of the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number. We will then build on this by representing and partitioning numbers up to 10,000. Following this, we will learn how to compare and order numbers and explore Roman numerals. We will end the topic with rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.  Our following topic will be addition and subtraction, which we will start prior to the half term break. In addition to these topics, there will be regular times tables practise and the class will be challenged to use place value knowledge to solve problem solving and reasoning questions.


In science, this term we will be studying ‘Living things and their habitats’. We will start by learning the 7 characteristics of living things and recognising that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways, such as vertebrate and invertebrate animals. We will also be exploring and using classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in the local and wider environment. Additionally, we will be investigating how environments can change which can sometimes pose a danger to living things. We will be identifying both the positive and negative impacts humans have on the environment.


In PE this half term, we will be playing netball. We will start by learning how to protect the ball once we have caught it as well as using basic shooting techniques in a game. Additionally, we will be practising how to mark and pivot. In our indoor PE lessons, we will be learning gymnastics. We will start by creating sequences.

