This term we are led by our local history focus on place, time and significant people before looking at the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas view next term. We will explore the use of historical language and experience through an amazing trip to the Didcot Railway Museum, how our railway system has changed over the past few decades, including learning about the influence that Isambard Brunel Kingdom has had on our current lives. Then we will consider the impact of the River Thames on our lives whilst celebrating local events and people, linking to Olympics of past and present.
In English, we will enjoy the tales of Mr Toad as portrayed in ‘The Wind of the Willows’ by Kenneth Graeme, linked to our River Thames topic, before moving on to ‘The Night Train’ by Matilda Woods and Penny Neville-Lee, full of real and mythical creatures to inspire our writing.
In science, we our working on the topic of plants, identifying local examples, learning about life cycles and investigating what a plant needs to survive and to continue to grow healthily.
Art merges our local and plant themes, using Georgie O’Keeffe as our inspiration to capture local and traditionally British flowers whilst exploring the use of colour and tone.
We will be inviting parents in to class at the end of term for a parent exhibition of our work, including our paintings. We can't wait to see you!
Please see the class topic web and knowledge organiser below for more detail on what we will be learning this term.