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Fabulous Food

This term, Apache have lots of exciting and interesting subjects to study.


Here are some highlights of what we will be learning …

In geography, we will be focusing on trade links and economic activity. As part of our learning in this topic, an investigation into UK industries will take place.  We will also be looking at where products that we buy come from (including chocolate!).  Learning about supply chains will take place and finish our learning with imports and exports considering why coffee beans are imported and cars and both imported and exported.


In English this half term, our learning will be linked to our science learning whereby we will be writing a set of instructions and an explanation text linked to digestion. Additionally, we will be continuing to develop grammar, punctuation and spelling. For spelling, in addition the Year 3/4 Common Exception Words, we will be focusing on the prefixes ‘We will also continue to practice our Year 4 statutory words.anti-‘ and ‘inter-‘ as well as endings of words that are spelt ‘-cian’, ‘-sion’, ‘-tion’ and ‘-ssion’.


In maths, we will start this term by continuing with multiplication and division. Our initial focus will be to multiply and divide 2- and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. Following this, we will cover length and perimeter, learning how to measure perimeter of different shapes. We will also be using measurements and equivalent lengths (kilometres and metres). Our final topic in this half term will be fractions, which we will then continue into Spring Term 2. In addition to this learning, we will be continuing to learn times tables through timed practice and on TTRS.


Our science topic this half term will be ‘animals including humans’. We will start by focusing on identifying the different types of teeth in humans and learning about their functions. In addition, we will be working scientifically to compare the teeth of carnivores and herbivores. Following this, we will be exploring and describing the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. Later on in this half term, our learning will focus on constructing and interpreting a variety of food chains.


This half term we will be learning cricket in our outdoor PE lessons. We will start by practising skills such as throwing and catching. We will then move onto bowling, batting, and fielding. Following this, we will develop a basic understanding of the rules and scoring, to enable us to play the game.  For our indoor PE lessons, we will be learning dance. Within this unit, we will be practising and performing a variety of different formations. We will also be working to include freeze frames in routines.

