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Autumn 2: Fabulous Festivals.

Fabulous Festivals

This term is all about celebrating many amazing festivals.

Some of the things we will be doing are:

Mixing our own potions for Halloween,

Creating Firework artwork for Bonfire night,

Learning about the important of Remembrance, 

Celebrating Diwali with some amazing foods and art,

Finding many different ways of celebrating Hannukah,

Exploring how Christmas is celebrated in other countries such as Kings Day in Portugal and Spain,

And of course, we will be getting very Christmassy in class too.


Keep your checking this page for updates and photos of all the fun things we get up to.

Below is this term's knowledge organiser. A knowledge organiser shows the key facts and knowledge that relate to our topic for this term. Every term, we will have a new knowledge organiser.

Below is this terms Topic Web. A Topic Web shows what we will be doing in each area of learning. Every term, we will have a new Topic Web

We got this term off to a spooky start mixing potions and the writing about what they did.

For Remembrance, we talked about the soldiers and what they had done for us.

We needed to make our witch fly across the sky so we investigated different materials to see which were magnetic

We loved learning about the festival of Diwali, we created Rangoli art just like our focus artist Ranbir Kaur.

We also used our fine motor skills to pinch, roll and pull clay to make Diva lamps.

We had a great time designing and making new sleighs for Santa following our Must and Nice If list.

We created collages of the Arctic and Antarctic thinking about which animals belong in which places.
