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Dangerous Dinos

In English this term, we will be learning:
  • To be able to revisit and recount activities
  • To be able to devise and evaluate questions
  • To be able to summarise and present their findings
  • To be able to plan, carry out and evaluate interviews
  • To be able to plan and carry out persuasive commentary on both paper and screen
  • To be able to use persuasive devices such as words and phrases

In Maths this term, we will be learning:
  • Use place value to add near integers including amounts of money
  • Use mental strategies to add amounts of money with 2 decimal places
  • Use number facts to add several amounts of money
  • Use counting up strategies to quickly calculate change
  • Use place value to subtract near integers including amounts of money
  • Round 1- and 2-place decimals up and down to the nearest whole number
  • Multiply fractions by whole numbers
  • Use the grid method to multiply mixed numbers by integers
  • Use short multiplication to multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers

Our topic this term is called Dinosaurs
During this topic we will be learning:
  • Some of the ways in which animals living in prehistoric times and animals today make use of their specialized body parts
  •  About ecosystems to find the right ecosystem for a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
  • To gain a better understanding of what fossils are and how to make our own fossils.  They will also identify dinosaurs and their babies.
  • How palaeontologists piece together evidence to learn about events and animals from the past.
How to answer questions related to an organism's structural and/or anatomical design.That discoveries about dinosaurs have a long history and that each palaeontologist adds his or her work to a body of fossil evidence used to support theories about dinosaurs