Year 6
We are VERY excited about "Making it Happen" this new school year.
Who's Who in Year 6.
Miss Bradley is your class teacher.
We are also very lucky and have the help from the wonderful...
Mrs Hill - AM AND Mrs Minns - PM
Some Very Useful Information:
Homework - Homework will be handed out on a Monday. This will consist of a piece of maths, a piece of English and some spellings to learn. Homework is due in on a Thursday.
The children are allowed to come and ask for help on either Tuesday or Wednesday if they are struggling with the task at home. Please note - we do not hand out homework that the children have NOT learnt in school this term.
P.E. - Children are expected to bring in their P.E. kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. Please note - children are expected to adhere to the uniform policy at all times which consists of yellow School P.E. top and blue shorts/jogging bottoms and sensible trainers.
Reading - We ask that the children read every night. As a year 6, they should be independent writing and therefore do not always have to read to an adult or another every single night however, we do ask that reading is encouraged at home and they read to an adult/another twice a week at least. Entries should be made in their reading records by either themselves or whoever they are reading too.
We have some fantastic topics coming up this term that the children named themselves: