Home Page

Merlin - Year 5

Merlin Class

Welcome to the Year 5 class page! We are very excited to have everyone back in class and we are very much looking forward to all the new Topics and learning that we are going to be completing!


Staff in Year 5 are as follows:

Class Teacher – Mr. Neighbour.

Morning Teaching Assistants – Mrs. Whitty and Mrs. Minns.

Afternoon Teaching Assistant – Mrs. McCrindle.



Reading is one of the most important skills that children learn so please continue to encourage your children to read for pleasure (and keep reading to them at night too). We will be regularly checking reading records and we recommend that children spend 15-20 reading daily. Parents, make sure that you discuss the book with your child – ask them to summarise the story, describe the characters/plot along with any words that they are unsure of.


Drink and snack

All children must have a water bottle in class (this can be used for lunch too) to stay hydrated throughout the day. It is also important that children have a healthy snack to take out with them at break time.


PE Kits and Clothing

PE kits need to be in school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday to be washed (otherwise they start crawling around the cloakroom). Please make sure ALL of your child’s clothing has a CLEAR name written/sewn/ironed onto. If an item goes missing, it is much easier to locate.


Home Learning

Home Learning is a great way to discuss what we have been doing in class with your child. English and Maths tasks will be set on a Monday and will need to be completed and handed in on a Thursday morning. If you are finding that you are struggling and it is taking you too long, please, come and have a chat with one of our Year 5 team – we are more than willing to help!

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and you will have a week to practice them for a test the following Friday. The words that are set will be 5 from our weekly spelling rule and 5 from the Year 5 and 6 common exception words.


Due to COVID, if you wish to speak to a member of staff, please contact the office to arrange a meeting over the phone.
