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Home Learning

Home Learning


Each day there will be a video uploaded to our classes Google Classroom page of the English and Maths input for the day. The expectation is that each day children will complete:


- 1 set English activity

- 1 set Maths activity

- 1 set Topic activity


In the Home Learning folder there will be a grid uploaded weekly with the weeks learning activities and where they can be located. These will be on Google Classroom, Purple Mash or Mathletics. 


Additional things you can do at home are:

- Reading daily

- Year 2 spellings 

- Phonics practice


Links for websites and documents to help with this will be added and updated throughout the term. 


What will you need at home?

We appreciate how difficult it can be to carry out some of these activities from home, so we have tried to simplify them as much as possible. The following are things you may have at home that you will need to complete the tasks:


- paper/notebook

- small cardboard box

- coloured paper/paints/crayons

- glue

- scissors

- chocolate

- fruit/crisps/sweets

- cola/orange juice/milk

- ice cube tray

- cotton wool/toilet paper/kitchen roll/tin foil

- ball 


Weekly Home Learning Grids
