At the beginning of the term we will be learning all about the location of the fire by exploring the city of London. We will look at the different landmarks of London and how the city has changed over time and how the fire bought this about. Children will write non-chronological reports about the city in English sessions.
We will then look at the story of the Great Fire of London, learning about how it started, why it spread so quickly and how it was eventually stopped. We will create models of the Tudor houses that were in London at the time of the fire and investigate how the fire spread by burning our own models. We will also look at the diary of Samuel Pepys and children will find out what an artefact is and how they help us know about the past. Children will use Samuel's eye-witness account, as well as other fictional and non-fictional texts to write newspaper reports about the fire.
In DT we will be finding out how vehicles move using wheels, axles and chassis', before making our very own moving Fire Engines. We will also be following recipes and health and safety rules to bake our own bread like they did in Pudding Lane...hopefully without the fire!!