Welcome to Year 1. Mrs Flossie will be the class teacher and we are also lucky to have Mrs Thornton for the whole day, Mrs Kellett in the mornings and Mrs Neal in the afternoons.
We are learning some exciting stuff this year! You can see our topics for the year below, based on what you told us you wanted to learn. Make sure to check these pages regularly for updates and photos.
Important notes:
Reading- We love reading in Year 1! It is really important that you bring in your reading record every day so you can read and change books. Please also try to read every day at home and write it down in your reading record.
Snack - Each day, please bring a bottle of water and we will provide a piece of fruit for break time.
PE- PE kits need to be in school from Monday to Friday because PE days often change.
Homework- This will be given out every Monday and is to be returned by Thursday. It will include English and Maths work based on what we have been learning in class or what we are about to learn.
If any parents have queries we are always happy to talk before or after school.