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What can I do when I am at home ? 


Sometimes you may have to stay at home if you are ill or school is closed. There are loads of exciting things you can do at home to continue on your learning journey. Below you will find some useful website links that can help you practise your reading, writing and number skills. 

You have your sound/common exception words envelope in your reading folder , so it is always a good idea to continue practising the sounds and words . You can play games such as 'which word/ sound is missing?', 'hide and seek' or 'look, cover write'.  

We would love for you to draw pictures or write information/stories about the topics we are enjoying at the time.(e.g. writing a fact file about your pet or your favourite animal). You could have a go at helping to write shopping lists or recipes of your favourite meal. If you have run out of reading books, there are many wonderful books to read on reading apps which you can download, or ask your adult to visit the local library. You can try making up silly sentences/words for your parents to read or they can make some for you. It is a really fun game to play.  You can also have a go at making up stories using your favourite toys and putting on a puppet show for your family. If you have a favourite pop song, you can make up a dance routine. Creating obstacle courses or doing maths challenges are great games to pass away the time. ( e.g. How many steps to get to the bathroom from the kitchen?,How many cupboard handles are there in the house? etc..). Upload this to the Purple Mash Blog (see below).


Remember, it is really important for you to rest if you are ill so that you can come back to school fit and healthy. If your adults need some more ideas of what to do, they can email the school office or ring the school directly and we would be happy to help. 


Web links :


A Link to this site can be found in the Learning Zone on the school web page. Please upload your work to the class blogs. Click on the green planet 'Sharing' then the 'Shared Blogs' tab and you can find the class blog for your teachers to respond to any work, pictures or photos uploaded.

You can find your password in the back of your reading record. 


Mathseeds/Reading eggs 

You can find your password in the back of your reading record. It is the same for both sites. 


If you have any issues with these sites please email


Some useful websites that offer free educational games





