English – Explanation, persuasion and poetry
We will be learning to effectively use the features of explanation texts to write information about light, sound and the effects of renewable electricity on our planet. We will also be exploring persuasive writing techniques used to provide more of a creative, emotional output from an author’s point of view to save our planet. Persuasive writing will enable the children to get their points across using a variety of techniques In poetry, we will be focussing on implementing and positioning language and strategies from poets sing stormy weather as their influence.
We teach the elements of the National Curriculum through a mastery outlook and with a ‘real life’ element incorporated. This term, our subject learning will focus on:
History and Geography
Children will learn when sound is created when something vibrates and sends waves of energy (vibration) into our ears. The vibrations travel through the air or another medium (solid, liquid or gas) to the ear. The stronger the vibrations, the louder the sound. The history of electricity The ancient Greeks were the first to study electric forces. In the American colonies during the 1700s, Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning is a form of electricity. Scientists later learned that electricity is related to magnetism. They then learned how to generate electricity using magnets.
Art and Design / Technology
Children will use their knowledge from these lessons and apply them into building a torch and lighthouse. Children will need to use their skills from science and electricity and ensure their torch and lighthouse reflects and emits light using switches and batteries.
Science – Light and Sound
The statutory requirements are that children are taught to:
- recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines
- use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye
- explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes
- use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.
PSHCE – Relationships
Children will understand the terms love, relationships and sexual orientation;
appreciate that people differ in terms of sexual orientation and who they love. People may be attracted to someone emotionally, romantically and sexually; that people may be attracted to someone of the same sex or different sex to them; that gender identity and sexual orientation are different.