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Term 6 'Coccywoccydodah'

In English this term, we will be learning:
  • To plan and write play scripts
  • To use their play scripts to perform in front of an audience
  • To plan and design an advertising campaign for fair trade
  • To use persuasive language

In Maths this term, we will be learning:
  • To use decimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions
  • To learn about number and place value
  • Geometry: position and direction
  • Geometry: properties of shapes
  • To practise using written addition and subtraction
  • To practise using mental multiplication and division
  • To practise using written multiplication and division
  • To learn about fractions, ratio and proportion
  • To use measurement in practical activities

Our topic this term is called Chocolate
During this topic we will be learning:
  • To design and make new chocolate recipes
  • To design and make packaging for their new chocolate recipe
  • To experiment with sweet and savoury recipes using chocolate
  • To be able to advertise and sell their new product
  • To research the origin of chocolate
  • To learn about heating and melting as a scientific process

Hope you enjoy!