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Autumn 2: The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones


This term's topic has a history focus and will be based around prehistoric Britain. 

We will be exploring The Stone Age and considering the changes that occurred during the Bronze and Iron Ages before the Romans invaded Britain. We will learn how Stone Age people survived as hunter-gatherers and we will be studying Stonehenge and Skara Brae as important historic sites from this period. We will consider the significance of historic artefacts in giving us clues about the past before the time of written language and will learn how to construct timelines to order events.



Science will focus on rocks and soil. We will be studying the three main types of rock and learn how to classify them using their different properties. We will find out about fossils and will learn about Mary Anning and her famous discoveries.



Our art lessons will be exploring Iron Age sculpture and the work of the sculptor Barbara Hepworth. Through this we will be looking at pattern work as well as creating our own sculpture for our Parent Exhibition. Watch this space for an invite! 


Our texts this term are:





Please have a look at our topic web and knowledge organiser for more information about our learning this term.




