In English this term, we will be focusing on;
Stories about fantasy worlds
Children will use their knowledge of story language and pattern to put together stories that take place in fantasy worlds e.g. space. Children will be given the opportunity to experience fantasy stories and then will go on to creating their own
In topic sessions the children will be involved in lots of DT activities. At the end of the term the will use these activities to write instructions to share with others.
As a apart of English children will be self and peer assessing their work to encourage them to take ownership of their learning.
In Maths this term, we will be learning to;
Tell the time we will look at quarters, half and o’clock
Properties of 3D shapes
Counting on and back for addition and subtractions
Adding multiples of 10
Subtracting 1 digit number from 2 digit number
Subtract by counting back
Counting in 10s
10 more ten less than a number
Your child will bring home a piece of maths homework each Wednesday due each Friday.
Our topic this term is called ‘Space’
During this topic we will be learning ; -
What is in space?
How do we get to space?
Is there life form in space?
Can you breathe in space?
What equipment would you need to go to space?
What is our solar system like?
What planets are there?
What are stars made of?
And much more
Reading daily
Spellings weekly
Monday – Test and new spelling patterns
Wednesday – bring in words found at home and new spellings go home
Each Wednesday new maths homework due in on the Friday.
To create a space project for display in the classroom, please bring this in during week 2