Welcome back to Autumn Term 2!
We hope you had a great Half Term break and that you are now looking forward to lots of learning and fun on the run-up to Christmas.
We will be working hard this term and have plenty of exciting activities to look forward to!
We have seen some great effort with reading at home, so please do continue recording what you read in your Reading Record books. We kindly ask that a parent signs these books each week, even if you are recording your own reading independently.
Times tables will be particularly important this term as we expand our knowledge of multiplication, division and their formal written methods. There will be prizes this term for the most improved knowledge of times tables!
This Half Term, we are going to be learning all about the Ancient Egyptians: from who they were, where and when they lived, what they did, how they dressed, their beliefs and customs and so much more. We will be getting hands-on making our own Cartouches out of clay, creating our own pyramids and hieroglyphs in computing using coding and we will be learning all about animals and their habitats, focusing in particular on the plants and animals found in Egypt. English will be based around the story of The Egyptian Cinderella, with plenty of lively drama and debate to inspire our writing. We will then move on to explore heroes and villains.
Below are some useful links related to our new topic: Walk like an Egyptian!