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Autumn Term 1: The Wonderful World Of Me

This term we will be exploring the 'wonderful world of me'.

We will be getting to know about our new school, our new classrooms, our new teachers, and our new classmates.

We will be learning all about the school routines and the different areas we can use to develop our skills.

There will be loads of exciting games and opportunities for learning both indoors and outdoors. 

Below is this term's knowledge organiser. A knowledge organiser shows the key facts and knowledge that relate to our topic for this term. Every term, we will have a new knowledge organiser.  
Below is this terms Topic Web. A Topic Web shows what we will be doing in each area of learning. Every term, we will have a new Topic Web. 
We have had an amazing first term in Reception. There has been so much to do and learn. Here are some of our highlights. 
The first few weeks are always exciting as we settle into our new classroom.