Our topic this term is called Wacky Wildlife
During this topic we will be learning ;
- What plants require to grow.
- Practical gardening skills.
- What is a living thing and what animals and plants we can find in our local environment
- About different types of wildlife, their roles in our local wildlife.
In English this term, we will be learning to write:
· Poems – we will be exploring different types of poems. We will be practising reading and writing them.
· The children will be exploring stories from a range of cultures. They will be looking at reading and having a go at writing some.
· We will also be spending some time recapping on things from over the past year preparing the children for Year Two!
In Maths this term, we will be learning to;
· Use a variety of different methods to add and subtract and to know that subtraction is the inverse of addition.
· Looking at units of measure for time, capacity, length and weight
· Doubling and halving numbers to 20.
Well done to everyone for remembering your maths homework in term 4!
Please remember spellings are given Wednesdays for spelling test on the following Monday.
Maths is given on Wednesday and must be returned by Friday.
Reading is an on-going commitment, and is so important-please keep at it!
Please choose a “wacky wildlife” project to complete with your child. Here are some examples
Mini garden
Use your imagination and enjoy!