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Force of Nature

Force of Nature


This term Year 3 are going on a whirlwind adventure with their learning, as they dive below the surface of the Earth and into a world of volcanos and earthquakes!


Our English this term will be taught through two texts which link to our topic - 'When the Giant Stirred' and 'Escape to Pompeii'. Through these texts children will discover what life might be like living near a volcano as well as about the eruption of Vesuvius and will use this knowledge in their persuasive and recount writing. 




In geography, children will discover how volcanos are formed, where in the world they can be found and what causes them to erupt. They will also learn about what causes earthquakes and how these, along with other forces of nature, can cause damage. 


In science, children will be learning about the term 'forces' and what different types of forces there are, including magnetism. Children will combine their knowledge to create seismometers to measure forces and will learn how these can help people detect earthquakes.



Children will have the opportunity to apply their learning about magnets to design, develop and make their very own magnetic games. Look out for your invite to come and join us at our 'Games Cafe' to have a go at some of the games for yourself!


We made paper rolls out of newspaper and used them to build bridges. We learnt about what the strongest shape is. What do you think it is?

We used what we had learnt to then make earthquake proof structures using toothpicks and marshmallows. We then tested them on a plate of jelly, using seismometers we made to measure the force they withstood.

We had a great time on out trip to Science Oxford, where we got to create our very own Rube Goldberg machines.
