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Griffin - Year 1


We have been working very hard with our reading over the last 3 terms and many children have made excellent progress in that time.

I have updated everyone's bug club books this week. I hope you haven't forgotten about them.

If you have, then why not get on there now? The books are perfectly levelled to your child's ability and are a great way of teaching children to read texts on screen- something that this generation need to learn at an early age.

Please remember that this is part of your children's homework and not an optional extra- these books really will help your child learn to become a reader. The quizzes are great fun too.

New Books
Also, if your child is reading at lilac to green level, look out for the brand new reading books we have just purchased. They are fully phonically decodeable and the children already love the look of them!

Above all- Have fun Reading!