What we will be covering:
Our class book this term that the children will be studying in Guided Reading time is “Who let the gods out” by Maz Evans.
During English lessons, we will be focussing on creative writing, along with studying Greek myths such as Theseus and the Minotaur. Icarus and Daedalus and Apollo and the Chimera. The children will also be focussing on editing, planning and grammar and punctuation.
The children will be working on learning about the cultures and traditions of the Ancient Greeks this term and comparing their culture to our own. We are also going to be talking about our values and what makes us individuals in our ‘being me’ PSHCE focus this term.
The children will be studying Pieter Bruegel the Elder and his painting called ‘The Fall of Icarus.’ We will also be looking at how to use watercolours to represent the different seasons, shades and moods.
This term our topic will be covering ancient history as the children will be learning all about the Ancient Greeks. They will learn about famous monuments, their way of life and make comparisons to how we live now, Greek Gods and famous Grecians.
During the course of this topic we will be working on our map reading skills in Geography and allowing the children to discover where the Ancient Greeks lived in relation to where we live.
We will be designing and creating our own labyrinths (Theseus and the Minotaur) out of LEGO.