Our topic outcome for this term will be a display all about Romans. Keep an eye out for photos!
History will be the main focus of our topic this term. We will begin by studying how the Romans continue to affect modern-day life. We will cover aspects such as roads, religion and money, before looking in more depth at the Roman army and its presence in Britain. We will then study the Boudicca rebellion and the fall of the Roman Empire. Throughout our topic we will continue to reinforce our knowledge of timelines and dates, with particular focus on the difference between BC and AD and, linking to Geography we will cover types of settlement and trade links.
Design & Technology
This term we will be exploring the importance of Roman architecture and engineering. In our design & technology lessons we will test and evaluate Roman columns, arches and roads, before designing and building our own functioning aqueduct models using a range of materials. Our aqueduct models will form part of our final topic display.