Welcome to Chinook Class!
Meet the team
Teacher: Mrs Wilson
Learning support assistant: Mrs Mccrindle
Welcome to our Year 6 class page for the upcoming academic year! We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with each and every one of you, and we are confident that this year will be marked by growth, learning, and enjoyment.
This page will allow you to keep yourself updated with current information about Chinook Class and the activities they are involved in throughout the school year.
We look forward to sharing our journey with you. Any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs Wilson via the school office.
Children are expected to read every day at home. By Year 6, we would love to see children’s personal comments on what they have read in their reading record, this could be what they enjoyed in the chapter/s they read, what they think of a character, if they think a character is being reasonable? etc. Parents are encouraged to take an active involvement in promoting a love of reading by having frequent book discussions and making reading a regular activity at home.
Drink and Snack
Please bring a named water bottle in every day and a healthy snack for break time (fruit, cheese, yogurt) - nut free!
Please bring in a full PE kit including outdoor PE shoes on a Monday morning and take everything home again on a Friday afternoon to be washed. PE and physical activities can sometimes change days so kits are to stay in all week.
Homework will not be formally set; however, it would be beneficial if children are able to practice spellings and times tables at home. The Year 5/6 spellings can be found in the middle of the reading records. Reading is expected everyday.