In English this term, we will be learning...
Poetic style (rhyme). The children will be continuing their rhyming poems from term 1. They will be thinking about how to rhyme and writing technology poems
Classic/narrative poems. Children will have an opportunity to explore and read narrative poems. They will investigate the aspects of narrative poems, including structure. Children will then use these skills to write their own versions
Choral and performance poetry. Children will hear and read a range of performance poetry. They will be given the chance to write and perform their own poetry.
Instructions. Children will learn and review the features of instructions. They will be required to write and carry out a range of instructions.
Handwriting – Basic joins, writing on the line
Spelling – Spelling patterns
Reading - Daily reading (20-30 minutes)
In Maths this term, we will be learning to;
Use, read and write standard metric units of length: mm, cm, m, km
Use, read and write standard metric units of weight: kg, g
Continue to derive quickly pairs of numbers that total 100
Find differences on through the next multiple of 10, 100 or 1000
Use fraction notation & change improper fractions to mixed numbers
Derive doubles of multiples of 10–100 and of 100–10 000
Use fraction notation & change improper fractions to mixed numbers
Recognise when two simple fractions are equivalent
Round up any integer to nearest 10, 100 or 1000
Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths
Multiply or divide any large integer up to 10 000 by 10 or 100
Recognise multiples and begin to understand common multiples
Continue to multiply TU×U by partitioning T and U
Use doubling and halving to help multiply
Our topic this term is called ‘Technology , Past, Present and future!’.
Our topic outcome will be to hold and exhibition. So keep a look out for your invitation!
In art the children will be using different artist techniques to create a larger version of a picture, using scale.
In Science the children will learn about forces and movement. Children will be exploring and experimenting with a different force each week.
In ICT children will learn and exploring how to use different ICT programs that school provide.
In PE the children will use various music and movements, to create dances that represent the change in technology over time.
Other activities that we are doing this term are:
Big breakfast
Learn with your child
WOW day – science
Christmas Fayre
Hope You Enjoy!