When parents are deployed from the home this can be quite a distressing time for children. To help them cope with this Mrs Pring, our Pastoral Support Officer, holds a special group called 'Social Circle'.
Children meet each week in the Wessex Room to talk about how they feel whilst taking part in a number of activities. They very often make items such a key rings, photo frames and pictures to send to their parent who is away and they also have the option of writing and sending a 'Bluey' or 'e-Bluey' - a special RAF version of airmail!.
The duration a child stays at Social Circle will depend on the length of the deployment however all children will be supported before and after the deployment by Mrs Pring and their Class Teacher. When each child arrives at Social Circle for the first time they plot on a map where in the world their parents are.
"The school is particularly successful at welcoming and quickly settling pupils who join the school at different times." Ofsted 2012