We take pride in the way that our children look in and around school, as well as out and about in the community, and we have the motto ‘Look smart, be smart!’
We ask that all clothing and shoes are clearly labelled with the child’s name so that lost items can be promptly returned. Please regularly check that the name can still be seen as with wearing and washing it can often fade. Anything that is not named will be taken to the lost property area in school which is situated by the school library.
Children are not permitted to wear nail varnish in school or have visible transfer tattoos.
Our uniform policy is as follows:
Winter Uniform (Autumn 2 and Spring Terms) | Summer Uniform (Summer Terms and Autumn 1) |
Light blue polo shirt School jumper/cardigan with logo Grey skirt, pinafore or Trousers/Shorts/Culottes White or grey socks or grey tights Sensible Black School Shoes (not trainers or boots) Wellington Boots (Reception for outdoor learning)
PE Kit Navy-blue shorts Navy-blue polo shirt with logo Plain navy tracksuit bottoms Black Plimsolls or lightweight trainers for outdoor games | Blue/white gingham dress Light blue polo shirt School jumper/cardigan with logo Grey skirt, pinafore or Trousers/Shorts/Culottes White or grey socks or grey tights Sensible Black School Shoes (not trainers or boots) Wellington Boots (Reception for outdoor learning)
PE Kit Navy-blue shorts Navy-blue polo shirt with logo Plain navy tracksuit bottoms Black Plimsolls or lightweight trainers for outdoor games |
School uniform can be purchased directly from our supplier Brigade clothing (www.brigade.uk.com). Orders will be delivered to your home address. Parents can purchase second hand uniform from the Thrift Shop on the Station or the school uniform shop when we have stock.
If your family has been posted and you have some good quality uniform to donate, please bring it to the school office. We are very grateful for all donations.
Shoes should be suitable for school wear enabling your child to play safely at playtimes. Therefore shoes must not have high heels or wedges. Children should not wear trainers or boots to school. We do not permit the children to wear the sandals or flip flops for Health and Safety reasons.
Velcro shoes for children in the Reception class and Key Stage 1 are more helpful than lace-ups as few children of this age can manage to tie their laces successfully.
Children should wear appropriate one-piece swimwear and appropriate swimming trunks for boys. Shorts and Bermuda shorts are not permitted. Children should also have a swimming hat, which is an Oxfordshire regulation requirement. Goggles may be worn however parents need to put this in writing.
Children should not wear jewellery of any kind at school for Health and Safety reasons. This includes, hoop or dangly earrings, rings and non-medical necklaces and bracelets.
If children do have pierced ears they must only wear small round studs which must be removed or taped for PE or other sporting activity.
Children will be asked to remove any jewellery and it will be taken to the office for safekeeping and storage until the end of the day where the child will be expected to collect it.
Children with long hair will need to have this tied back so that it does not get in the way of their activities for health and safety reasons. In addition, we request that fringes of both girls and boys are kept short so that children are able to see clearly at all times. We require parents to ensure that their child's hair is appropriate and smart for school e.g. no dyed hair, extreme haircuts or hair with patterns. Hair gel, mousse etc. should not be worn to school.
Outer Wear
In winter, children need a warm waterproof school coat. Denim, leather or fur jackets are not considered suitable for school.
In summer an anorak, cagoule or similar should be brought to school when the weather is unsettled.
Children may bring watches to school if they wish but the school cannot accept responsibility for their loss or damage. These should be clearly marked with the child's name. Please note that smart watches or fit bit type devices are not allowed in school.
During the course of the school year we do have occasional non-uniform days – usually in aid of charity or a special event - allowing children to come to school in their own choice of clothes, guided by parents, of course.
The dress code for non-uniform days is “school appropriate clothing”. This means, children should dress appropriately for attending school.
Children are not permitted to wear any of the following:
We do permit long hair being untied for non-uniform days however expect it to be tied up as per our policy above for any school trips where non-uniform is permitted.
Lost Property
Please label all clothing and footwear as children often get their clothes muddled up when changing for PE or cannot remember where they left their sweatshirt or coat, even when we have clear guidelines about care of clothing in each class. Our lost property area is found next to the library near the door to Years 3 and 4.