Welcome to our Summer 1 Topic.
We have an amazing topic planned where we will all be learning the science behind the plants and animals in our local habitats.
We will learn how to look after the animals in our own back yard as well as the pets that share our homes.
We will need to understand what animals need to stay alive and to live well; what they eat, where they live and how they depend on each other as well as us.
Our topic will include finding out about the people who have cared for and studied animals. Why not get a head start and find out a little about scientists and zoologists such as David Attenborough, Dian Fossey, Steve Irwin or Gerald Durrell or someone of your own choice.
And for those of you that enjoy more hands-on learning, we will put our design and technology skills to good use as we make feeders and habitats for our class garden.
This is the term when lots of our learning in Year 2 so far comes together and we show how much we have learned, so we will be using our THRIVE skills to help us to learn and apply our knowledge in lots of different situations.
This will be a GREAT term!