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Service Children in State Schools (SCISS)

Our headteacher, Steph Fawdry, currently sits on the National Executive Advisory Committee (NEAC) of Service Children in State Schools (SCISS). This group of headteachers and local authority advisors together with personnel from the DfE and MOD's Directorate for Children and Young People meet 3 times a year and is an advisory group to Government to identify good practice in the provision of education for Service Children and to purpose solutions to these issues and concerns held by English schools.


There are over 6,000 schools and academies affiliated with SCISS across England with a varying number of Service children from just 1 child to 100%.


Should you have any issues or questions you wish to put forward to the SCISS NEAC please contact Steph on 01491 836460 who will be very happy to help.


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