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Natural Resources

This term we are looking at Natural Resources in Geography. 


We will be exploring:

  • How do we use natural resources in the UK?
  • What is its land used for?
  • What types of natural resources do we use to produce energy?
  • What renewable natural resources do we use?
  • How are products such as concrete, glass, wood and steel produced and traded?


Maths: This half-term we will be focusing on problem solving and projects within our maths lessons. Children will have the opportunity to explore maths problems in groups, justifying reasoning, explaining their answers and showing off their critical thinking skills. Skills learnt throughout the year will be revisited and challenged. 


English - This term, we will be reading Street Child by Bertie Doherty. We will revisit punctuation and grammatical skills, and further enhance our writing through high-quality vocabulary, varied sentences, and diverse openers. The children will produce a non-chronological report, a first-person recount, and character descriptions. Additionally, we will work on our expression and drama techniques while rehearsing for our end-of-year production.


We will of course be rehearsing our end of year production, working on our expression and stage presence.


Watch this space for samples of work!
