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Collaborative Learning in Oxfordshire's South East Region (CLOSER)

The schools that were formally in the Watlington Partnership, (Icknield Community College, Watlington Primary School, Chalgrove Primary School, Ewelme Primary School, Stadhampton Primary School, Lewknor Primary School and ourselves) have joined together to create collaborative company with the name of CLOSER. This move has formalised the way that we, as schools, operate and will bring about greater opportunities for the children across the company as well as staff in the form of continued professional learning and development.

We have created a focused delivery plan that we shall be working through during the year and seeing the positive impact that this will have on the progress, attainment and well being of our children and staff.

Our work is monitored by members from each governing body and the headteachers will be able to demonstrate the impact that this company has had in the AGM in September 2016.











