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Spring 2: Topsey, Turvey Tales

Topsy Turvy Tales

This term we will be looking at Traditional Tales with a Twist! You will notice that all our tales have links to the environment or the food we eat. We will start our exploration into these tales with a trip to Windsor Castle where we will participate in a story telling workshop. We will also look at the life of King Charles. 

We will discover happened to the giant after Jack climbed down the beanstalk, explore how the Wolf's forest in Little Red Riding Hood is being damaged and find our what happened to the Three Bears before Goldilocks arrived and ate their porridge. 


Below is this term's knowledge organiser and Topic web. 

World Book Day

Before our Visit to Windsor Castle, we worked as part of a team to build a new throne for the King.

We had a great and rainy day at Windsor Castle for our first school trip. Each child has more photos in their Learning Journal.

We had a go making porridge for the three bears. We were allowed to choose our own toppings to make it super yummy.

We used printing to create our own square for our classes patchwork art.

Our finished William Morris inspired patchwork art looks amazing in the classroom.

Look what appeared in our classroom. Giant Boots! We had fun writing about who they could belong too.

We had fun pressing fresh flowers to make pictures in forest school
