What is a School Development Plan?
The School Development Plan (SDP) aims to provide Staff, Parents, Governors and associated professionals with a clear document that shows what the school intends to focus on for the next three academic years. The long term vision is summarised in the Governor Strategic Plan.
How is it developed?
A number of groups of people are consulted about how we move the school forward. These are:
When does it start?
The Plan comes into operation during the first half term of each year and finishes in July with a review of the actions early September ready for the new plan.
How is it monitored?
At the beginning of each term the Development Plan is checked for progress by the Senior Leadership Team and sections fed back to and monitored by the governing board.
Who approves the SDP?
The Governing body is responsible for the approval and effectiveness of the SDP and they do this through various monitoring activities and by holding leaders to account. They ensure that the SDP is in line with the school priorities and the actions within the Strategic Plan.
Our School Development Plan
Our school is currently judged to Require Improvement after a quite unexpected inspection in September 2022 (see our Ofsted page for more information). We evaluate ourselves as being a Good school and in order to achieve this level of recognition for the good level of education the pupils receive at the school, we need to ensure continued reflection and self-evaluation.
This plan has been compiled with the aim of ensuring that the priorities from our most recent inspection are identified and that it will improve the overall efficiency of the school and provide for the needs of all pupils spiritually, socially, morally, physically and academically, thereby having a positive impact on the standards pupils attain.
All stakeholders in the school will be informed of the development priorities outlined in the plan, with regular opportunities for discussion and consultation where appropriate to ensure clarity and transparency which will lead to maximum impact.