Puma Class have been preparing to become space biologists and embark on a voyage of discovery by growing Rocket seeds that have come from space.
In September, 2 kg of Rocket seeds were flown to the International Space Station where they spent several months in microgravity until returning back to Earth in March.
In April Puma Class received a packet of these seeds and a packet which haven't been to space. The children will be growing all the seeds alongside each other and measure differences for 7 weeks. No one in the class knows which seeds are which !
The class will then enter all the data on line into the Experiment Database.
We will keep adding photos to show how this exciting experiment is going.
Wednesday 11th May- Update.
Our Rocket seeds are growing well. We are regularly watering them- we need to make sure each tray receives the same amount of water. We turn each tray 180 degrees daily .Today we counted how many seeds are still alive and then measured the tallest plant in each tray and recorded the data.