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Reaction Time

We did a fantastic Maths investigation today on our reaction times. 

We had to drop a ruler and see how fast we could catch it. We had conjectures to test, some of these included: 

"The taller the person, the quicker they would catch the ruler" (Tom, Finley, Madison & Oliver, Ed, Eden)

"The higher the ruler falls from, the less chance you have of catching it" (William, Jake, Dillon)

"The more you concentrate, the faster your reaction time" (Jess, Josh, Seb)

"The older you are, the faster you will catch the ruler" (Hakan, Aidan, Jamie & Maisie, Jack, Olivia & Keira, Isobel, Ross)

"The older you are, the slower you will be to catch the ruler" (Millie, James, Evie)

