Ice Trap!
This half-term our topic has a history focus. The children will be exploring Antarctica and how Ernest Shackleton organised expeditions to the South Pole to initially be the first man to reach the South Pole, but after being beaten to it, taking part in collecting significant scientific data about the continent.
We will be carry out a number of scientific enquiry questions based around the science of sport! Children have already collected their turf samples to study the impacts on maintaining grass suitable for a sports pitch. They will be carrying out mini-experiments to focus on working scientifically and increasing their critical thinking.
Our learning journey text this half term is ‘Shackleton's Journey' by William Grill - the children will be creating a biography based on Ernest Shackleton and after SATS, they will be focusing on writing a poem based on his travels and experiences. The children have already travelled to Antarctica - via an assault corse in the hall, equipped with bags, hats, scarves and coats, they have tried to gain a small insight into the thoughts and feelings of Shackleton's crew from The Endurance.
Our journey to Antarctica!