Walk like an Egyptian
This term we are going to be learning all about Ancient Egyptians.
History and Geography:
We are going to be investigating Ancient Egyptian lifestyles, attitudes and beliefs along with where Ancient Egyptians fit into a historical timeline. We are going to research events and changes within the period itself and represent our learning in a variety of ways. We will be using maps, atlases and globes along with digital/computer mapping to locate and describe Ancient Egypt.
Throughout this project we will be using our computing skills to investigate mummification and use our findings to write a recount. We will be using Publisher to record our knowledge of Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
We are going to be basing our writing this term around our Topic of Ancient Egypt. We will be using a range of speaking and listening skills and drama techniques to help us obtain a deeper understanding of the mummification process before writing up the method as an explanation. We will be using Roald Dahl’s revolting rhymes to help us study our poetic devices along with how we can play around with words/language for effect.
Art and Design Technology:
We will be modelling with paper to create our own death masks as well as recreating our own Egyptian friezes. We will be building on our understanding of Art by thinking about design techniques, sketching, paining and collage with a range of materials. We will also be creating pieces of art using our understanding of hieroglyphics to help us.