Welcome to our Eco Club page, where we'll keep you up to date with our activities!
Eco Club began at our school in 2019 and, from the beginning, we followed the Eco-Schools programme, part of the Keep Britain Tidy charity. The environmental issues that we face, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and plastic pollution are huge and may feel overwhelming. The Eco-Schools seven step framework breaks down these issues into more manageable themes, empowering the children to take small steps together to make a difference. And hopefully have fun at the same time!
That first year, we received the Eco-Schools Bronze Award. During lockdown, Eco Club stayed active in a limited way, by communicating eco tips. Then in 2021, we resumed fully, had a very busy year and were thrilled to receive the new Green Flag Award in July 2022.
After a very busy year completing a wide range of activities and projects, we were delighted to again receive the Green Flag Award in July 2023! In 2022, we had been given an actual green flag, which hangs proudly above our Eco Club display board in school. So in 2023, we opted for a wall plaque, which will be displayed outdoors.
This year's Eco Club has now begun, with some familiar faces and some new ones. Our first job is always to choose the three topics on which we will focus for the year. Biodiversity and School Grounds were again clear winners this year. But Litter and Global Citizenship were tied, so a second vote was needed. Global Citizenship was the winner! We are now busy planning lots of great activities.
In addition to topic-related projects, we will continue with our general eco activities:
* remind everyone at school to turn off lights and taps, close doors and recycle correctly.
* collect crisp packets, used ink cartridges, batteries and old plastic pens for recycling.
Please do keep up to date with our blog below!
'You are never too small to make a difference.'
Greta Thunberg