Keeping Children Safe on the Internet
Ensuring that our children have the skills to be 'web-aware' and can keep themselves, and others, safe on the internet is extremely important to us in a climate where access to technology is becoming increasingly easier and the challenges are continually present.
So, what do we do?
Each week the children have at least one session of Computing in either the ICT suite or using the iPads. Teachers regular remind children about safe use and the correct procedure if they come across any inappropriate content. Our Computing curriculum is based on the PurpleMash computing scheme which has e-safety elements woven through it.
In addition to our Computing curriculum and regular reminders, we share this information with parents annually during our Internet Safety week. During this week children take part in a range of learning opportunities about keeping safe on the internet. Follow this link to the PurpleMash display board for e-safety week 2022:
All children and adults sign acceptable user policies to agree that they will be using technology responsibly and that they will report any inappropriate content or other e-safety issue immediately to a member of staff.
We also see the importance of children being able to report any e-safety issues directly to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) and as a commitment to that we have the CEOP Report button on each of our webpages.