History will be the main focus of our topic this term. We will begin by studying how the Romans continue to affect modern-day life. We will cover aspects such as roads, religion and money, before looking in more depth at the Roman army and its presence in Britain. After this, we will study the Boudicca rebellion and the fall of the Roman Empire. Throughout our topic we will continue to reinforce our knowledge of timelines and dates, with particular focus on the difference between BC and AD.
States of Matter will be our science focus for the term. We will be learning about the different states of matter; gas, liquid and solid. We will cover how to identify these and how their particles differ. We will also explore how temperature affects a material’s state and how this links to processes in the natural world. Throughout our science lessons, children will continue to develop their skills in observation and recording through a range of practical scientific investigations.
This term we will be focusing on the technical aspect of drawing. This will include lessons on the shape of the human body and how to draw it in movement. We will also explore facial features and how to draw different aspects of them. We will study and investigate how artists have drawn people throughout history, making comparisons as we do so, identifying different styles and exploring how styles have changed over time.
Other information
Our P.E lessons will continue to be on a Monday (Netball) and a Friday (Dance). Please ensure that your child has their full PE kit in school all week.
We will be reducing the time given for our daily times table challenge this term, meaning that the children will need to be able to recall facts more quickly. Please continue to support your child in learning their times tables at home.