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Update 30.3.20

I hope that everyone is still sane after their first week of home learning . I've loved seeing what everyone has been getting up to and would like to thank all the parents for your help and support in these strange times. This weeks learning has more of a mix of online and written activities especially in maths (don't panic all sheets have answers attached). Again if you have any issues or questions, no matter how small, please don't hesitate to use the home learning email address to contact school. 

Thank you once again.

Miss Webster


Update 6.4.20

You are all amazing. The work you sent me last week was incredible and I loved looking at it all. As you may have read in the headteacher email, the work for this week is a little different. Below, under the heading Easter plans and resources, there is a plan/menu of activities you may want to complete this week. They are not dated so please feel free to pick the activities that you would like to do when you would like to do them.  I have tried to provide a range of activity types to engage every child. Do not panic or feel that you have to complete all of the activities given.

Once again, thank you, the parents, for the all you are doing at home to support your child's learning.  Finally, if you have any issues or questions, no matter how small, please don't hesitate to continue using the home learning email address to contact school and please continue to send in your wonderful work (I really do love looking at it). Have fun and stay safe.

Thank you.

Miss Webster 

P.S There is a special surprise in red on the Easter activity plan for the children to read about.


Update 13.4.20

Well, you have been keeping me busy this week. I had so many wonderful recipes sent in that I feel like I haven't left the kitchen. I've uploaded some photos of your brilliant suggestions and my attempted outcomes  further up this page. I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter weekend and that the Easter Bunny has visited you. Just like last week, below, under the heading Easter plans, there is a second menu of activities you may want to complete this week. I hope there is a nice range of activity types and something for everyone. Once again, thank you, seeing your amazing work is a joy. Parents, star of the week certificates to you all for your continued effort , it is much appreciated.  

A final reminder to use the home learning email address for any work or questions you may have. 

Thank You 

Miss Webster 


Update 20.4.20

Welcome back after what I hope has been a lovely Easter for you all. I am REALLY excited about the home learning for this week  You may notice some little differences in the plan and it's content, it is my hope that each days learning now links and builds towards the next days. The English is split into Writing and Guided Reading to make it clear what the task is based around. This weeks English is my favourite so far and I can't wait to read your poetry. I plan on copying the best lines from everyone's poetry to create a whole class poem which I will then publish here so please send you poetry in when completed.

               Topic has also changed a little as this term we start our Magical, Mythical Creatures topic, chosen by the children. All of the topic lessons this week, which I hope you enjoy, build to a fun and creative final project to complete on Friday.

As always answers, where needed, are on the second page of any documents for the week. Once again, I cannot thank you enough for the support you are giving school and your child's learning at this difficult time. Any questions, queries or wonderful work, which I love seeing, please contact the school home learning email address.

Thank You

Miss Webster 


Update 27.4.20

I hope you all have had a lovely week and have enjoyed learning about mythical animals as much as I have enjoyed looking at all your work about them. Now be prepared...... I HAVE EXCITING NEWS........ a few weeks ago I mentioned that I had been speaking to Elys Dolan on Twitter. Well, she has given me special permission to continue reading her book Royalty for Beginners, to you. Parents, Royalty for Beginners is the third book in a trilogy that we have been reading as our afternoon story this school year. I will try to upload a chapter onto which is a specific Year 4 video page of our school website, before 3pm each school day.  Hopefully, the website will be less busy at this time and it is also when we used to do our end of the day story. I hope you get a chance to listen and that you enjoy learning what happens next to Dave.

                 Thank you parents, for all you are doing at home and for sending in some excellent work. Once again, any resources needed for this week can be found, dated, under the resource heading further on this page and answers, were needed, are on the last page of each document.  Any queries, questions or work, don't forget the school home learning email is there for you. 

Thank You 

Miss Webster



Hi everyone,

I hope you have had another great week of home learning. I was very excited to see so many wonderful pieces of work sent in this week, please keep it up or feel free to publish work on the Apache class blog on PurpleMash where I can comment on it directly.

I hope you have enjoyed the readings of Royalty for Beginners on the school video page and continue to tune in this week to find out what happens next. You also should have received an email from school about the UrbanStrides workshops which will be taking place this Monday and Thursday at 9:15am on Zoom. For further details, please refer to the email. 

Once again, thank you parents, for your continuing support and please do not hesitate to contact the home learning email address with any questions or queries. 

Thank You

Miss Webster




Hi everyone,

I hope you had a great weekend and manged to find a way to celebrate VE Day. There is lots of exciting learning for you to do this week and I hope you enjoy the range of activities. I am working hard on updating this webpage to show more of your work and hope to have the most recent up by the end of today (11.5.20). New on the timetable, this week, is  Charanga, the Oxfordshire music service website. I have explained on the plan how to access it but if you have any problems, with this or anything else, please contact the school home learning email.

Can I ask that, where possible, you upload your child's work to the class blog on PurpleMash. This can be found by signing into PurpleMash, clicking on the sharing icon (globe top right), then on the Shared Blogs tab and selecting Apache. To upload work, click on the green plus sign (top left). You can upload images of the work as well as typed versions (click in the content box before trying to upload the image). I check the class blog daily and unlike with the home learning email, I can comment directly on your child's work. 

Thank you for everything you are doing, have a wonderful week and don't forget to listen to Royalty for Beginners on the video page.

Thank You 

Miss Webster



Hi everyone,

As always, I hope you  have had a good week and are enjoying getting outside more. Thank you for your efforts this week to upload work to the PurpleMash blog instead of using the home learning email address. This method seems to be working well and has the great advantage of allowing myself to comment directly on your child's work.  

 A reminder that the blog can be found by following these steps:

1. Sign into PurpleMash,

2. Click on the sharing icon (globe top right),

3. Click on the Shared Blogs tab,

4. Select Apache.

To upload work: click on the green plus sign (top left).

You can upload images of the work as well as typed versions (click in the content box before trying to upload the image). I will continue to check the class blog daily and comment directly on your child's work. 

Thank you for everything you are doing, have a wonderful week and don't forget to listen to Royalty for Beginners on the video page.

Thank You 

Miss Webster



Hello everyone,

                I hope you have all had a brilliant weekend in the lovely weather. This week, with it being half term, is a little different. THIS WEEK, we are going to be..... SUPERHEROES! So grab your costume, dust of your powers, get ready to save the world and remember: "NO CAPES!"

Attached below, is a range of superhero themed activities for you to complete as your superhero self. You can pick and choose the activities you would like to do however the red one should be done first. Remember to share your superhero antics on the class blog. I look forward to hearing about your super adventures.

Parents, thank you for everything you are doing and the support you have shown over the last 10 WEEKS. 

Thank You

Miss Webster 



1.6.20- Start of Summer Term 2

Welcome back, after what I hope has been a fun half term break for you all. I have been very impressed with the super hero work I was sent over the break so well done.

Today marks the start of a new term and a new topic: The Anglo-Saxons vs The Vikings. On the Apache class web page, above the home learning link, a new subpage entitled Anglo Saxons vs Vikings has been added. On this page, you will find this terms topic web and knowledge organiser. A knowledge organiser gives a brief overview of the topic and contains basic information that children will develop their knowledge around. 


Home learning will follow the same structure each week with children having:

-a Maths, Writing and Guided Reading task daily,

-at least one History task on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

-an ICT task on this terms topic of podcasts

-an Art/Design task based on the Vikings

-and a science task based on our topic of States of Matter

Some weeks children will have tasks covering subjects such as French or PHSCE as well.

You may also notice a new addition on the planning for this term, a weekly P.E challenge. These challenges will be set around this terms topic of Athletics and can be completed at any point in the week. 


Finally, thank you to everyone who continues to upload work onto the Apache class blog, this is the best place to send work as I am able to comment on it directly, giving each child personalised feedback. The home learning email is still regularly checked for any questions or queries you may have. 


Thank you once again for your support and kind messages.

Miss Webster. 



Hi everyone, 

I hope you are all doing well and have had a good week. The courgettes and tomatoes have started to grow in my garden this week but I am still waiting on the beans and strawberries. What exciting thing has happened to you this week?

                 Well done to everyone who continues to uploaded their work to the class blog, especially those who put something up for the first time this week, well done. The class blog is a great way to share what you have been doing at home as I can check and comment on your work daily. The home learning email is still available for any questions or queries you may have however please be aware that, generally, home learning work should be posted on the blog and not submitted by email. 

                  Parents, if your child is running out of room in the work books they were sent home with, more are available to collect in the school office foyer. Please do not to collect these between 8:45 am-9:45 am and 2:45 pm-3:45 pm to avoid school drop offs and pick ups.

Thank you tremendously once again for your continued effort and support and do not hesitate to contact school with any  concerns or questions you may have.

Thank You

Miss Webster



Hi everyone, 

I hope you have all had a good week. Once again, thank you for all the wonderful work that you have been posting on the class Blog, it is wonderful to see all your efforts.

Something new this week, if you completed the Mathletics assessment, set 1.6.20, thank you. I have used your results to set you 2 tasks on Mathletics. Your tasks might be different from other children in the class as they are based on your results and areas for you to work on.  I intend to do this as our Maths task every Monday so if you have yet to complete the assessment please do so this Monday. 

Parents, please continue using the home learning email address for any questions or queries you may have and thank you for everything you are doing.

Thank You

Miss Webster



Hi everyone, 

I hope you have all had a good week.

Exciting news, please check your emails for a letter about the new Time with my Teacher sessions. If you would like your child to participate please fill in the form (link on the letter) to book your child's place. I am very excited to see as many of you as possible after such a long time. 

Thank you for everything you are doing at home and remember the home learning email is still monitored for any questions or queries you may have. I love seeing and commenting on the work posted on the Class Blog so keep it coming. 

Thank You

Miss Webster




Hi everyone,

                     Can you believe we only have 3 weeks left of Year 4?!  I hope you are all well and enjoying the weather, when it is not raining. This Thursday, I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible for Time with my Teacher and have lots of fun things planned for us to do together. Please make sure you come in school uniform and bring suitable outdoor wear (a coat if raining, sun hat if hot).

You are doing really well at uploading your fantastic work to the class blog, it puts a big smile on my face and I love reading it. Parents please remember the home learning email address is still available for any questions or queries you may have.

I think that is all for now, see you Thursday.

Miss Webster 




Hi everyone,

                     It was amazing to see so many of you at Time With My Teacher last week and I am looking forward to seeing you all again this Thursday. If you completed last weeks writing work, which was to write a letter to your Year 5 Teacher, please remember to bring it to the session this Thursday. Keep an eye on your emails this week for details of our virtual sports day on Friday. Well done once again for all the amazing work you have been uploading to the class blog, I love reading it all. 

As always, if you have any questions or queries, the home learning email is still available for this. 


Miss Webster 
