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Summer 2 Bella Italia

Bella Italia

"Beautiful Italy"


This half term we will continue our topic of Romans by looking at Italy. We will start by studying Italy's history with its Roman links. After looking at the Romans, we will move onto examining present day Italy. We will look at Italy's geography including a study of its place in Europe and the geography of the country itself. Next, we will move onto looking at the lives of Italy's citizen focusing on their schools, hobbies, culture, food and much more. 

Design Technology

We cannot study Italy without looking at (tasting) its food. This term we will learn about the different traditional foods of Italy and we will even have a go making some of them. By doing this, we will improve our food source knowledge and food preparation skills.




Italy has a long history of famous artists and artworks. During this topic, we will research the artists lives of these artists and the contribution they made at the time. Once we have researched their lives, we will create artwork in the style of these artists with a focus on putting facial expressions and movement into our art. 

And finally remember ....
