Your teacher is Miss Bradley and we are extremely lucky to have Mrs Walshe in the mornings.
We have lots of very exciting topics to cover this year and we have taken on board all of the suggestions the children made last year.
Later in the year, we will be focusing on RAF 100 to celebrate 100 years of the RAF.
We also have SATS to look forward to, this is something that we will be working on right from the beginning of term and all work from now until May will support you. We only have one rule when it comes to SATS and that is:
"Try your best!"
"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve" JK Rowling.
Homework - This is handed out on a Monday and is to be returned on a Thursday. We encourage you, as our Year 6 children, to take responsibility for your own homework. If you do not understand the task, please make sure you come and see us on Tuesday or Wednesday lunchtime so we can go through it with you. You will get English, Maths and Spellings every week and in addition you will also have 1 piece of Science.
P.E. - Please bring you P.E. kit in on a Monday and then take back home on a Friday.
Reading - We expect all children to have a book to read in school everyday. We also expect for all of you to bring in your reading record. Please read once a day at home, this does not have to be with your parents or another person, if you are reading by yourself please make sure you jot down what you have read in your reading record. Also, try to make sure you choose a variety of genres.