Ever Evolving
This term we are being led and inspired by rivers in our geography topic. The children will be exploring how rivers form, how they change and how they are used. This topic will build on their previous knowledge of the water cycle.
Our river topic links into our Design and Technology - bridge building! We will be investigating different types of bridges and how they are built. Children will have the opportunity to design their own bridges in groups and to use their collaboration skills to build them together. This topic will help children to develop their self assessment and reflection of how to improve designs.
In science, we will be learning all about evolution and inheritance. As a class we will be discussing and exploring different inherited and acquired traits and learning about how living things have adapted to different habitats and environments. This is a lovely topic exploring our ever changing world and wildlife.
Our English book is The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Milwood Hargrave, a wonderful book filled with adventures and mysterious happenings. We will be exploring the text and digging deeper into the figurative language that has been used. This will enable the children to produce their own newspaper article about the book and its unworldly goings on.