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Wonderous World

This term, Apache have lots of exciting and interesting subjects to study.


Here are some highlights of what we will be learning …


This term, in geography, we will be focusing on physical geography this half term and will start by learning about the course of a river and explore some of the world’s largest rivers. We will then identify and explore mountain ranges across the world. We will be using atlases and online maps to locate where these are in the world. This will lead us onto understanding the water cycle which will link to our learning in science about evaporation and condensation. 


In English this half term, our class text will be ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis. We will be learning how to write an informal letter and narrative on the children’s visit to Narnia through the magical wardrobe. Our grammar focus will be expanded nouns and sentences of three. Additionally, we will be continuing to practice spellings and handwriting. Part of our spelling focus will be on the prefixes ‘in‘, ‘il-‘, ‘-im’ and ‘ir-‘ and suffixes ‘’-ing’, ‘-er’, -‘en’ and ‘-ed’. We will also continue to practice our Year 4 statutory words.


In maths, our topic this term will be ‘Multiplication and Division’. Within this, we will be aiming to embed fluency skills with different times tables, whilst also practicing strategies to be able to use multiplication facts to find unknown facts.  Additionally, we will continue learning times tables both in class and on Times Tables Rockstars. 


In science, this term we will be studying ‘States of Matter’. Linking to our English text, ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’, as Lucy discovers in Narnia, we will be exploring ice and water. We will be learning how to identify solids, liquids and gases, and will explore how particles differ for each state of matter. We will also investigate the way in which temperature affects a material’s state and will consider both reversible and irreversible changes. Throughout our lessons, the children will continue to develop their skills in observation and recording through practical investigations.


In PE this half term, we will be playing hockey. For our indoor PE, will be playing badminton. In both of these sports, we will be learning and practising the key skills.  


Check out our topic web to find out more about the wonderful things we will be up to this term!
